Deputy Arrested/Fired After DUI Arrest

A Polk County deputy was arrested and subsequently fired after a single-vehicle accident. The deputy lost control of his vehicle, skidded off the road, and hit a tree. He was uninjured in the accident. He was apparently intoxicated and later taken for chemical testing where his BAC was discovered to be nearly twice the legal limit. The deputy resigned during booking.
For police officers, the job can be quite hard, but prosecutors rely on them to provide testimony in court. Eroding trust in police officers has made their job more difficult with juries demanding forensic evidence. In cases where a prosecutor has to put an officer on the stand, the defense attorney can bring up any public matter that challenges the witness’s credibility. While steamrolling police officers is frowned upon, departments are expected to ensure that their officers are well-trained, obey the law, and conform to policy.
While not every officer will be fired from the force due to a DUI arrest, this one was. Obviously, police departments are more wary about “bad apples” and “loose cannons” and while this individual officer may have been neither, he’s definitely in a bad spot and he definitely lost control.
What’s the issue with officers?
The issue isn’t the officers always. They’re human and their job is difficult. What we as a society do not do is ensure that they have time off and quality mental health services when they need it. Today, in Florida, workers’ compensation does not want to pay for psychological injuries that do not occur in conjunction with a physical injury. However, police officers sustain psychological injuries on a daily basis and eventually, they will wear down your emotional reserves. This results in panicked behavior, paranoia, anxiety, and these symptoms are directly related to officer-related shootings.
So, if we want our police officers to operate with peak performance, then we need to ensure that they have mental health services when they need them. Because the alternative is often self-medication.
First responders do have special provisions under workers’ compensation, but many don’t believe they go far enough. Paying more attention to the emotional health of officers would likely improve police optics, restore faith in police officers, and allow them to operate from a place of emotional strength.
Analyzing the case
The DUI case against the officer is strong, but the loss of his job will be considered as part of his overall punishment. Further, this is his first offense, so he is unlikely to face jail time. The BAC comes close to qualifying for aggravated DUI charges, but close often means not good enough under the law. Chances are he gets a fine, DUI school, and probation plus temporary license suspension.
Talk to an Orlando DUI Attorney Today
FL DUI Group represents the interests of Orlando residents who have been charged with DUI. Call our Florida DUI defense lawyers today to schedule an appointment and we can begin preparing your defense right away.