Out Of State Drivers And DUI Charges In Orlando

Every year, millions of individuals come from all over the world to enjoy the attractions in Orlando. Some of these individuals have a little too much fun and end up getting behind the wheel of their car after they’ve had too much to drink. Resolving an out-of-state DUI is not a fun experience, especially for those who come to Florida where our state’s DUI laws are among the most strict in the country. Some folks make the mistake of believing that a DUI in another state will not impact their driving in their own state. In this article, we’ll discuss special considerations for out-of-state drivers who have been charged with DUI in Orlando.
States share information on traffic offenses
Not all states are equal when it comes to staying up-to-date on violations committed in other states. Still, most states are involved in an interstate exchange program that updates the home state of drivers after they’ve committed infractions in another state. Florida is among the states that will relay any DUI committed in Florida to your home state. This means that it’s more than likely that your license will be suspended for violating the law here in Florida. What your home state does with this information, however, may differ from state to state. Not all will immediately act on information delivered to them by participating states. Chances are better than not, however, that your state will immediately gain confirmation of your DUI and move to suspend your license pending the outcome of your case.
How can a Florida DUI attorney help with my out-of-state DUI?
It’s likely that you have a lawyer in your home state that you trust. You should discuss the matter with your trusted advocate. This attorney is likely to know how your state handles out-of-state DUIs and will advise you on properly resolving the matter. At that point, it will help to have a State of Florida attorney handle your DUI case. We are trained to deal with county courts and have experience resolving DUI charges in this state.
In the majority of these cases, the DUI is resolved with a diversion program and a plea agreement. The matter can be transferred to your home state where you may be required to attend DUI classes, perform community service, or seek treatment for substance abuse. Once the matter is resolved, the fines are paid, the treatment is sought out, and the community service is performed, you can go about your life with the issue in the rearview.
In other cases, those with prior DUIs or if someone was injured or killed in Florida during a DUI, the matter will not be resolved so easily. DUI manslaughter charges require mandatory minimum prison sentences of no less than 4 years whereas multiple DUIs may require an automatic license suspension for a period of time.
Nonetheless, having a Florida DUI attorney handle the matter improves your chances of a successful resolution. You cannot skip out on a Florida DUI simply because you live in another state.
Talk to an Orlando DUI Attorney Today
Arrested in Florida for DUI while you live in another state? Call the Florida DUI defense lawyers at FL DUI Group today and we can help manage your case.